2017 (1) January/February Toyota Trails


Download the January/February 2017 issue. (PDF)

Cover photo: Rafael Osuna lining up for the first trail in the 2016 Olde North State Cruisers’ Relic Run. Photo by Alex Cortani



Table of Contents

  • Trail Leader by Ross Woody
  • Trailhead by Stan Wright
  • Trail Views
  • Trail News
  • Sand Hollow Adventure by Tony Twiddy
  • Member Spotlight
  • Baja Diaries by James Marr
  • Around the World in 800 Days by Andy Smith & Emma Smart
  • The Devil’s Patina by Rob Millson
  • A Texas Workhorse by Daniel Wilson
  • Chapter Reports
  • Truck Tech by Roger Brown
  • Event Calendar
  • Chapter Directory
  • Business Directory
  • Trails End


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