2016 (5) September/October Toyota Trails


Download the September/October 2016 issue. (PDF)

Cover photo: Rodolfo takes the Land Cruising Adventure couple to the Rio Caroni where they “drive over water”. Photo by Coen and Karin-Marijke


Table of Contents

  • Trail Leader by Ross Woody
  • Trail Head by Stan Wright
  • Trail News
  • Chapter Directory
  • Chapter Spotlight
  • TRD Pro Tundra 12 By Stan Wright
  • Rubithon By Eric Agee
  • Hall of Fame By Ross Woody
  • Trail Views
  • Go Granny By Susan McGrath
  • Welcome to Venezuela By Karin-Marijke Vis and Coen Coen Wubbels
  • Trail Tech By Donal Howell
  • Mardi Krawl 2016 By Eric Stahl
  • Truck Tech By Roger Brown
  • Event Calendar
  • Business Directory
  • Trails End


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