2015 (2) March/April Toyota Trails


Download the March/April 2015 issue. (PDF)

Cover photo: Peter Straub’s BJ74, inching slowly down Hell’s Revenge Trail, Moab, Utah. Photo by Charla Downey


Table of Contents

  • Trail Leader by Ross Woody
  • Trail Head by Todd J. Kaderabek
  • Cruiserfest by Ige Gustavson
  • Tech Exchange with Robbie Antonson
  • Starting a Land Cruiser Rally by Andy Roth
  • The “World’s Most Powerful Four-Wheel Drive Vehicle”
  • Courtesy of the Toyota archive
  • Member Services Update by Karie Farr
  • Pindos Trophy—Meteora, Greece by Koen de Ridder, 1313Racing
  • Membership Application
  • Remembering Bob Garrett by Nick Stone
  • Truck Tech by Roger Brown
  • Melted Bearings— in the Middle of the Mauritanian Desert by Damjan Vrencˇur
  • Chapter Directory
  • Chapter Reports
  • Through Fire and Ice— The Third Annual Running of the Gulches by Stan Wright
  • Business Directory
  • Event Calendar
  • For Sale


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