2011 (1) January/February Toyota Trails


Download the January/February 2011 issue. (PDF)

Cover photo: Charla Downey’s 1981 BJ42 contemplates the perfect line in order to reach the Knik Glacier, near Anchorage, Alaska. Photo by Charla Downey



Table of Contents

  • Trail Leader 2 by Jeff Zepp
  • Trailhead 4 by Todd J. Kaderabek
  • Bushwacking the Alexander Mackenzie Trail by Glenn Bridges, Drew Elvins, Grant Tangye, Gary Telford, Mat Radoszewski, Ronald VanDerLans and Bill Wilkinson
  • Truck Tech by Roger Brown
  • Tech Exchange with Robbie Antonson
  • Event Calendar
  • Rubithon 2010—Get Your Game Face On! by Dave Thomas
  • Bentonite Hills of Utah by Ken Eshelby
  • The Karma Cruiser by Mark Algazy
  • The Open Gate by Greg Mumm
  • 1990 FJ75 by Paul Williamsen
  • Exploring the Knik Glacier by Charla Downey
  • For Sale
  • Premiere Business Member Directory
  • Chapter Reports
  • Overlanders in Amazonia by Marc Thiebaut
  • Membership Application
  • Merchandise
  • Chapter Directory
  • Trails End
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