Live Like Lash Fund

Lash Lacoste left this earth in 2022 after a long battle with Multiple Myeloma. He was a vital part of the Toyota Land Cruiser Association community, serving on the Board of Directors of CottonLand Cruisers. Through the kind donations of clubs and members of the TLCA, this fund has been established in his name, to benefit people who are the future of the TLCA.



Live Like Lash Award

Lash Lacoste left this earth in 2022 after a long battle with Multiple Myeloma. He was a vital part of the Toyota Land Cruiser Association community, serving on the Board of Directors of CottonLand Cruisers. Through the kind donations of clubs and members of the TLCA, this fund has been established in his name, to benefit people who are the future of the TLCA.

Lash was not the best student. He was B-C in high school and college. Many scholarships are geared towards top students and many kids do not have the opportunity to capture scholarship money if they aren’t straight A students. This scholarship is different.  This scholarship will be awarded to students with a B or high C average, and most importantly, who exhibit the qualities that Lash exhibited throughout his life. These qualities are:

  • Humility
  • Kindness to all
  • Positive outlook
  • Patience
  • Not easily angered
  • Smiling and laughing all the time
  • Genuinely care for others and be involved in the community
  • Do more than asked
  • Give more than given
  • Think before speaking
  • Listen more than talking
  • Protect family
  • Love fiercely

With those qualities in mind, TLCA will award at least 1 “scholarship/grant” annually (dependent on fund availability). Children and Grandchildren of TLCA members can apply if they are between 15 and 22 years old. The Live Like Lash award can be used for the following purposes only:

  • High School
  • College
  • Technical School

The winners will be chosen by an appointed committee of TLCA member and the family of Lash Lacoste. Included on the committee will be:

  • Chairperson – A member of the TLCA executive Board of Directors
  • Representative from CottonLand Cruisers
  • Treasurer of TLCA
  • Amanda Lacoste and/or Jace Lacoste – Amanda and Jace will not vote, but will be able to review submissions, make recommendations, and help to guide the committee in the selection process.

Be aware that any award may be subject to taxes and winners should research this before accepting an award of any sort.

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