2014 (1) January/February Toyota Trails


Download the January/February 2014 issue. (PDF)

Cover photo: Ken Eshelby’s 1HZ powered FJ62 at Fort Stevens State Park near the mouth of the Columbia River, Oregon. Photo by Ken Eshelby



Table of Contents

  • Trail Leader by Ross Woody
  • Trailhead by Todd J. Kaderabek
  • Tech Exchange with Robbie Antonson
  • Evo Morales and the Land of the Land Cruiser by Brandon Janes
  • Truck Tech by Roger Brown
  • Southern Cruiser Crawl 2013—No Worries! by Scott Spivey
  • Gumbo Time! by Scott Barrilleaux
  • Membership Application
  • Merchandise
  • Oregon Back Country Discovery Route by Kyle Kirby
  • Three on the Tree Run by Ige Gustavson
  • The Open Gate by Greg Mumm
  • Chapter Reports
  • Chapter Directory
  • Overland in the Ouachita National Forest by Phillip Jones
  • Tire and Wheel Balance by Tony Konovaloff
  • Premier Business Member Directory
  • Event Calendar
  • For Sale


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